Form Coding Habit By Tracking , Rewarding Your Coding Time and Take Challenges

Hey, Thank you for checking out my first side project

:thinking: The problem

Sometimes when I want to start a new side project or continue working on a side project I was procrastinating and I was feeling unproductive

:hammer_and_wrench:My solution

After reading blog posts and watching videos about how to improve your coding skills and increase your productivity, a tip is mentioned on the majority of videos and blog posts which is Practice, Practice, Practice. So, I decided to build a tool that tracks and rewards my coding time and help to code more.
HabitScript is vs code extension that tracks my coding time and displays it offline (In-Editor) or on the web app and which will help to get if I was productive or not and which time of the day I was more productive. Also, I can reward myself on each hour of code, add goals and get reward it when I achieve it, create or join challenges and get reward it when you complete a mission or a rule, get ranked on developers leaderboard and see what the average daily coding time, most used language and points of others developers . it’s will help to avoid procrastination

Looking forward to hearing your feedback about the idea and the product

PS: HabitScript is still on beta and available for early access

Not very usserfriendly a persone not capble with computer will have no idea what do do here