freeCodeCamp Challenge Guide: Convert Celsius to Fahrenheit

Convert Celsius to Fahrenheit

Problem Explanation

The algorithm to convert from Celsius to Fahrenheit is the temperature in Celsius times 9/5, plus 32.

You are given a variable celsius representing a temperature in Celsius. Use the variable fahrenheit already defined and apply the algorithm to assign it the corresponding temperature in Fahrenheit.

Relevant Links


Hint 1

Keep in mind the order of operation check the link in the links section for more information.


Solution 1 (Click to Show/Hide)
function convertCtoF(celsius) {
  let fahrenheit = celsius * (9 / 5) + 32;
  return fahrenheit;

// Change the inputs below to test your code

Code Explanation

  • Declare the fahrenheit variable.
  • Make sure the proper order of arithmetic operations is followed by using parenthesis (()) when needed.

I am having a hard time passing through this code to make it work. Everytime I put: var fahrenheit = (celsius * (9/5)) + 32; it says fahrenheit already defined.


you dont need to use “var” because it is already defined in a line 3
you only need to assign a value for the fahrenheit…


In the current code version displayed in the console, the var fahrenheit is already defined, and I am asked to edit the code between the lines below. This is the code I submitted:

function convertToF(celsius) {
var fahrenheit;
// Only change code below this line
fahrenheit = (celsius * (9/5)) + 32;
// Only change code above this line
return fahrenheit;

// Change the inputs below to test your code

This didn’t work, only when I submitted the following it passed:

function convertToF(celsius) {
var fahrenheit = (celsius * (9/5)) + 32;
// Only change code below this line

// Only change code above this line
return fahrenheit;

// Change the inputs below to test your code



Yes, there seems to me be a problem with this challenge, or at least it is unclear in what it is asking for in terms of a solution to pass it.

I tried variations of the above, and managed to create an equation that would give me the correct results for each value for Celsius that I inputted, however it wasn’t until I did what you did, and edited the code on line 3 that it specifically says you shouldn’t touch, that I was able to pass.

I think this challenge needs a lot more explanation to make it clear what they want you to create.


The confusing part about this example is that you need to modify the code that’s outside of where the comments say to.

This is what gets the solution to pass:

function convertToF(celsius) {
  var fahrenheit = (celsius * 9/5) + 32;
  // Only change code below this line
  // Only change code above this line
  return fahrenheit;

// Change the inputs below to test your code

I’d mark this as a bug so that the code that’s presented in the exercise matches what the camperbot put as the solution above.


This is all ya need friends.


you guys chage from c/95 to c5/9