[freecodeCamp Reading] June Study Meetup

Hello everyone,

This is our first meetup organized with our Reading sub-forum!

We will try out Great Expectations as our venue. If you’re new to Reading and need help in finding the place, please let me know. It is 2 mins from Vue Cinema.

Please bring your laptop if you can. We will try and work on some hands-on exercise. Or you could pair with someone.

More details to follow on the exercise. Please give suggestions on what topic you’d like to practice.

Check-out the freecodeCamp blog: https://www.freecodecamp.org/news. I love it!

Also, check-out the freecodeCamp radio, perfect music to keep you motivated when learning. I love it very much! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8XJ6r4U171I

Don’t forget to ask questions, also answer questions, it helps us learn by explaining things to others.

Happy coding everyone!


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I’m in the library (room on the left as you come in)