Frustrated Camper

I am also working on javaScript and find that when I cannot think or figure out what they heck to do I either take a break and come back later or call it a day. I have found that usually the next day when the mind is fresh I return to the problem and usually can figure out what they are asking me to do.

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Totally normal. If you get everything on the first time, I don’t want to know you haha! Seriously I get stuck all… the… time… Let’s say I needed to learn jquery and I had no clue what it even was for. Everybody’s learning style is different, but this is what I do. (1) Start with Micky Mouse simple. A lot of people hate on W3 schools, but I find it to be the best way to get that first feeling of accomplishment with their simple examples. If they cover the topic, start here. (2) Next look up short articles on the internet like Skim over as many as you can tolerate just to get the gist of the topic. It’s not time to read for full understanding yet, just skimming. (3) Look up youtube videos, preferably under an hour in duration so you don’t get too impatient. Find 1 or 2 short, good quality videos. It may take some time to weed out the bad ones. (4) Now you are ready for a book. There is a series of books with “Succintly” in the name and they are free, and short. You would look up “jquery succintly” in our case here. The company is Syncfusion. If they don’t have your topic, check your library or look up cheap used books on Amazon. The point is to find a short, well written book and not some super comprehensive “Bible” type book that will take a year to finish. (5) Then return to your lessons that stumped you. Most likely you will kick the door down.

As I sit here today as a software engineer, 3 years after writing this post, it is crazy to see how much I have grown. I actually took everyones advice that helped me get through that tough time and created an article about it. enjoy (:


What a fabulous necropost!

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Thanks jackson :slight_smile:

Are you working as a software engineer now? Haven’t been as active since you posted this.

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yes, I am! I have been very busy so have not been as active online lately. But yes, I am working as a software engineer now. :slight_smile:

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Yay! :clap:t6::clap:t6::clap:t6:

Still working towards it. :smiley:

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