General question about advantage of React

Tell us what’s happening:
The description of this challenge talks about how React is helpful for maintaing complex project. In this example, we created a page with two headers and an unordered list. I’m confused how React is helping in this instance, since I could have created the same content with much less lines of code like this:

<h1>Types of Food</h1>

So how is React helpful if it requires you to write more code?

Your code so far

const TypesOfFruit = () => {
  return (

const Fruits = () => {
  return (
      { /* change code below this line */ }
      <TypesOfFruit />
      { /* change code above this line */ }

class TypesOfFood extends React.Component {
  constructor(props) {

  render() {
    return (
        <h1>Types of Food:</h1>
        { /* change code below this line */ }
        <Fruits />
        { /* change code above this line */ }

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User Agent is: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/70.0.3538.102 Safari/537.36.

Link to the challenge: