Geolocation Doesn't Run the Function Passed to It

I’m trying to get the user’s coordinates for the Local Weather Project. I have this:

var x = 1;

function userCoords() {
    navigator.geolocation.getCurrentPosition(function(pos) {
        x = 2;

If I check x's value in the console before calling userCoords, it’s 1, as expected. When I call userCoords, Firefox prompts me for my location, I say yes, and there are no errors, but when I check x’s value, it’s still 1.

I searched the forum, but no one else seems to be having trouble with this. How can I fix it? The example provided with the assignment doesn’t work for me either, it just sits there.

edit: I should mention that I’m currently editing my files in emacs and opening the html with Firefox manually. I used to use CodePen, but it lagged too much. When I was using CodePen, it was with https, but geolocation didn’t work then either.

Hey. The .getCurrentPosition() method is asynchronous. Meaning that javascript will continue its execution without waiting for the getCurrentPosition() to finish. Therefore, the value of x won’t be changed in time. What you can do is call a function inside the method and then use your new data as you wish.

function userCoords() {
 navigator.geolocation.getCurrentPosition(function(pos) {
    x = 2
function useData(x) {
  console.log(x); // 2

Thanks for replying.

I tried the code you provided (adding var x = 1) at the top, but calling userCoords still doesn’t seem to do anything. My output in the console is:

>> x
>> userCoords()
undefined // <-- Doesn't print?
>> x

edit: I just cp’d the html and jQuery example from here and it works… perfectly? Though I still want to know why geolocation’s not working for me, for future refence.

geolocation does not work in the console - the page has to be served with https

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Sorry, could you elaborate?