Git and github question

I was learning from bucky roberts git and github tutorial last night so in total there are 25 tuts but tutorial 18 ends with pushing to github repos using git bash.
From here there are 2 options of learning github

  1. the website
  2. desktop GUI
    Which one should I learn and why? or both ?

It really depends on how you want to use Git. For me, I used the website but that’s because I use Visual Studio Code as my code editor and it already has git built in. So I can Commit, Push, and Pull inside my code editor.

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so you don’t have to use git bash? My machine is very old and the modern text editor that it supports is Sublime text do you think there is a package for that too?
BTW do you use github from your text editor? I thought there are only 2 options
1 the website
2 the dessktop app provided by the github itself

No, but you still have to install it on your PC.

I don’t think VSCode needed that much. These are their recommended specs:

If you still want to use Sublime, I checked and Sublime Text 3 already has Git Integrated in it.

No, I used the website, but I used GIT, which is the bash to push pull and commit. That’s integrated in my code editor VSCode.

  • So Git is the back-end that does all the Commits, Push, and Pulls.
  • GitHub is a hub for all the Gits people made. It’s like the multiplayer GUI version of Git.

so using

  1. built in git from your text editor
  2. the github website?
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Yes, So as you can see in the image, I have to initialized git in the folder first, then add a remote to the github repo I wanted. Then I can just commit, and push.

Then I just go to Github and check my progress there:

Why do you use "add origin " shouldn’t it be like the file name?
or the nick name for your repo
$ git remote add firstGithubRepo

Origin means the file you are currently in. So this code means:

git add remote origin your-github-link
  • git add remote: Just means to add a new remote
  • origin: the current file/directory I am in (It’s saying where the origin of the files are coming from)
  • your-github-link: my github link that it will commit and push and pull through
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when you push that way it only send files right? not the folder so when you create a repository on github it is just a fancy word for saying a ‘folder’

Yes. So when I did the git init it created a hidden folder named .git for the git. Then when I say to push, It just means to push everything inside the folder I am in. So yeah, technically repository is just a big folder on the cloud, that you can fill in files and other folders.

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I will add this. If you are going into development as a career, I would recommend learning the git bash as well as git gui. You should spend extra time learning git inside and out as you will almost certainly use it when working as part of any dev team. Also, for any IDEs that you learn, figure out the git integration tools. As of 2020, git is one of the most used tools in software development.