Give Links Meaning by Using Descriptive Link Text. Help!

Tell us what’s happening:
Hi, I simply dont know what went wrong here. can anyone help me?

Your code so far

    <h1>Deep Thoughts with Master Camper Cat</h1>
    <h2>Defeating your Foe: the Red Dot is Ours!</h2>
    <p>Felines the world over have been waging war on the most persistent of foes. This red nemesis combines both cunning stealth and lightening speed. But chin up, fellow fighters, our time for victory may soon be near. Click here for <a href=""> information about batteries </a></p>

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User Agent is: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/70.0.3538.77 Safari/537.36.

Link to the challenge:

Please be more specific about the “what went wrong” part… the only missing part in your code is the destination value for the link, like this:

<a href=""> information about batteries </a>

It doesn`t work for me the same way as you describing it above. Someone needs to fix it somehow

try like this without the space

<a href="">information about batteries</a>

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This is how I did it but it doesn`t work :slight_smile:

try again from a different browser

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Thanks, it actually worked for me. I thought the anchor element is not space-sensitive, but apparently not??