Global variable is not working in jquery funtion

To complete freecodecamp’s “twitchTv” project, I write some code. I found that below type of code gives output ‘rana’ and “” . I think it should give url first.If I comment out first window.alert (inside the function) then gives output only ‘rana’ . I think this variable should give the url of the logo. I do not know why this happens and how to solve the problem.

var logo="rana";
 url: ''+"freecodecamp"+'?callback=?',
 data: { format: 'json'},
 dataType: 'jsonp',
 success: function(x)


$.ajax() is asynchronous, so the code below it (window.alert(logo)) is run before the variable has changed.

I want that the varible should have the url value ,such that I can use it further.Is it possible?

You can use it inside the success callback function.

In success callback function the variable gets the value , but when I want to use it later (outside the function) , the variable gives me previous value ‘Rana’ ;

Yes, that is because the request is not finished.

You can use it inside the callback and pass it to another function:

success: function(x){
  logo = x.logo;

// outside $.ajax:
function doSomethingWithNewLogoValue(logo){
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