Havn't coded in a year! How to get back into it?

I got through the voting app, which was a true feat for me, having taken over 2 years to program my first full stack app. After that I had some significant life circulstances reducing time for coding. I was able to do several react mini apps, and was working on Rogue-like app when I had to stop entirely.

I want to get back to full stack apps, but it feels daunting to try to get back up to speed with the full stack.

Where would you suggest I try to get started to get back up to speed?

IS react still where it’s at or should I start with Vue?

React is still what FCC is teaching, so if you’re planning to keep following the FCC curriculum (which has changed a fair amount in the last 2 years and will soon change again) stick with React.

My advice is to resist the temptation to go backwards and start again at the beginning (or close to it). Try to pick up where you left off, but recognize that you’ll probably have to go back and review stuff that you used to know.


Hi @AdventureBear
Happy new year!
I finally got to the end of the Voting app with a bit of help. I want to finish of the FCC course but currently am learning VueJs. I saw a talk on it at the local JS meetup and liked what I saw.
I am working through 2 courses right now but haven’t built anything with it yet so cannot recommend it over REACT but what I have seen so far it seems quite nice to use.
I am planning to do a Full stack app with it. The Voting app took me so long to do but I was learning REACT during that time.
The main reason I am learning Vue is because I want to see how another framework works (and I may be able to take on different types of work in future).
I was encouraged in the talk when the guy said it uses axios for API calls (as REACT does).
I’ve also looked at Angular 2 but that seemed a bit more complicated.
Keep in touch if you need more help. :wink:

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Thank you gentlemen! That’s reassuring. I’m not sure in retrospect what the best way to start a new full stack app would be. Seems like user accounts/authentication would be a good refresher, I think that’s what I did last time by following some tuts. Probably some additional ones are available again.

I’ll refresh my react knowledge and maybe take my best react app from last year and try to make that a full stack thing so I’m not completely creating new coding, just trying to connect two existing pieces.

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While Vue is trending like crazy, react is still king and will stay relevant for a long, long time. So no need to throw that knowledge out the window and start again.

Just resume from wherever you left. It will surely be a bumpy road because of things you don’t remember, but nothing a little search- ask won’t fix. And it will become easier as you get back into the game.

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