Help explaining how these loops work

Hi All,

Looking for a little feedback on how this function works as I’m a little confused on the order of operations of this.

function destroyer(arr) {
  args = arguments;
  return arr.filter(function(val) {
    for ( i = 1; i < args.length; i++ ) { 
      if ( val == args[i]) {
        return false;    
    return true;    
destroyer([1, 2, 3, 1, 2, 3], 2, 3);

Unfortunately Python Tutorial isn’t working with this so I can really see how the different loops work. From my understanding the filter method acts as a loop to iterate over all of the (val)s.

To start off with this function is going to make it to the IF statement and the val 1 does not equal the arg[1] 2 so it will return true. From there where does this go? Does it start back at the top and then enter in 2 as the val and then does the for loop stay at 1 or would it iterate to the next number?

I’m going to assume that it does not move onto the next arg[i]. So it would be 2 == 2 which is true and therefore returns false. The next number is where I really don’t get how this works. So now val == 3 and then two will return true, right? So would it go to the next val, or does the for loop kick in making us look at arg[2]?

If you need me to clarify on any of the above please let me know since I really need to get a better grasp at this!

Thanks in advance,

Hi @sethdcd,

Here is a complete explanation of everything that is happening in that code. I hope it helps answer your question.

First let’s look at the statement destroyer([1, 2, 3, 1, 2, 3], 2, 3); this calls a function named destroyer and passes it 3 arguments:

The first argument is the Array [1, 2, 3, 1, 2, 3]
The second argument is the Number 2
The third argument is the Number 3

Now let’s look at the body of our destroyer function. The first statement inside that function is:

args = arguments;

This statement creates a variable named args and assigns it to a value that represents an array-like object of all of our arguments. In this particular example, it’s roughly the equivalent of writing:

args = [[1, 2, 3, 1, 2, 3], 2, 3]

So args is an Array-like object that contains 3 values:

The value at index 0 is the Array [1, 2, 3, 1, 2, 3]
The value at index 1 is the Number 2
The value at index 2 is the Number 3

Next, we return the result of evaluating the expression arr.filter(...)

arr is the first parameter passed to the destroyer function which, in this case, we know is the Array [1, 2, 3, 1, 2, 3]

filter is a built-in function of the Array type which takes a callback function as its parameter and calls that function with each value of the array. If the callback returns true, the current value remains in the array, if the callback returns false, the current value is deleted from the array.

You can learn more about the filter function on MDN by clicking here.

The callback passed to the filter function is an anonymous function that reads as follows:

function(val) {
    for ( i = 1; i < args.length; i++ ) { 
      if ( val == args[i]) {
        return false;    
    return true;    

This function says for every value of i from 1 to 1 less than the total number of arguments:

  1. test the current value of the arr Array against the argument at the i position of the args Array-like object.
  2. if the current value of the arr Array is equal to the value of the argument at the i position of the args Array-like object, remove it from arr Array, otherwise, keep it.

To see this illustrated more clearly, let’s consider the following call to destroyer


Now let’s step through the calls to our anonymous callback function substituting in real values.

Since arr contains 3 values A, B, and C the callback function will be called 3 times, once for each value A, B, and C. Here is what each of those calls is doing:

// 1st call
if 'A' equals 'C' return false 
otherwise, if 'A' equals 'D' return false 
otherwise, return true

// 2nd call
if 'B' equals 'C' return false 
otherwise, if 'B' equals 'D' return false 
otherwise, return true

// 3rd call
if 'C' equals 'C' return false // because this is true, code will STOP here.
otherwise, if 'C' equals 'D' return false 
otherwise, return true

Hope that helps. Let me know if you have any other questions.

Bill Sourour


Wow thank you very much for the thorough explanation!! That definitely helped :smiley:

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