Help: My Wikipedia Viewer App does not work in my local machine

Please, I tried all i could to make my app work in my location machine because coding with CodePen slows me down, but all my effort did not make any difference as my app refuses to work except on CodePen.
Here is my Code:

See the Pen Wikipedia Viewer by AMADI LUCKY SAMPSON (@tranxcop) on CodePen.

Thanks… I have tried that and yet nothing is happening.

It works fine for me. How did you transfer your files from Codepen to your computer? You might not have set it up correctly, e.g. forgetting to include script tags.

At the bottom right corner of Codepen there should be a button to export. Click on it then choose export zip. Download it and from there you can extract it to a folder in your computer and it should work fine.

Oh thanks…that helped.

not at all…