Help with Basic Data structures

Can someone tell me why this code is not working please? It’s supposed to add a forth element to the ‘freinds’ array.

let user = {
  name: 'Kenneth',
  age: 28,
  data: {
    username: 'kennethCodesAllDay',
    joinDate: 'March 26, 2016',
    organization: 'freeCodeCamp',
    friends: [
    location: {
      city: 'San Francisco',
      state: 'CA',
      country: 'USA'

function addFriend(user, friend) {
  // change code below this line;
    return user;
  // change code above this line

console.log(addFriend(user, 'Pete'));

Hi @hmahad

You should re-check the last user story in that challenge, you may want to think about returning something else from the addFriend function.


it worked when i tried it out using your function(see below)
function addFriend(user, friend) {
// change code below this line
return user;
// change code above this line

console.log(addFriend(user, ‘Pete’));

type this to check it out:

I guess the return had to be ‘’. Thx for the help guys.

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