Help with json with jquerry

Hello guys please give me a minute of your time. Am working on the random code generator and am stuck.I’ve created my own funny quotes in a json file.But when I use $.getJSON I either get “syntax error”, “not well-formated” or " XMLHttpRequest cannot load" .please help me.I’ve been stuck for days.

Could you provide some code? Are you sure your JSON file is valid? Try pasting it in and see if you get any errors.

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Hey…thanks for your help.
Can you please review my random quote machine?
I want a honest review.
thanks in advance.

thanks a lot.
really appreciate it

Csn you help me with this?
I cant see what am doing wrong.
Its just not giving me the longitude and latitude.
Its saying its undefined.

thanks a lot…it worked.
the reply was quick too.
so are all jquerry functions asynchronous functions?

hey…Am finally done with the weather app
Your reviews are highly welcomed.

there’s an icon beside the temperature

Hey… please help me with my wiki viewer.
is something wrong with the Json data?

It works great now. Found a useful article on the forum.
And thanks for always responding on time.
I appreciate it a lot.