Help with Portfolio Page, putting elements side by side

Hey there, I just started with the portfolio and I’m already a bit stucked, I want to do a bar at the top wth buttons that say ABOUT - PORTFOLIO - CONTACT, but i don’t know how to put them side by side, could i get some help?

This is the failed attempt.

Maybe it would help if you added the bootstrap library to your project :wink:

I’ll help you out more though: don’t add it through the quick add, as it will give you bootstrap 4 in which the grid system is different. Add this URL to the bottom in settings:
Like below:

Also, one more thing. Don’t use col-xl-6, use col-md-6

It looks like you’re trying to create a navbar - this might help:

Thank you! I’m slowly getting a better understanding of grids

Hmm, seems useful. Thanks for the link