Help with tic tac toe

I’m working on the tic tac toe project and am encountering an issue which I haven’t been able to get through (no matter how much reading I’ve been doing on this forum). It doesn’t seem like it should be this much of an issue or I’m just fundamentally misunderstanding something. I’m doing my project first just by having the computer take the first available spot. Now for some reason I can’t figure out how make the spot (for the computer’s turn) filled out in the game board screen. I know that the spot the computer selects is being filled out (I tested it with an alert showing the board spots) but the game screen isn’t being updated. Here is a link to codepen (it may be easier to see in case I didn’t explain it that well). Any help is appreciated.

Thanks @camperextraordinaire I’m going to see if I can figure it out now. :slight_smile:

Hi @camperextraordinaire thanks for the initial response. So I am still not figuring this out. What I was trying to do was fill in the first empty square when it’s the computer’s square. I checked for the first empty square by identifying whether board[i] is a number…But I’m having trouble filling in the game board visible to the user…I tested it out with an alert and saw that my function is filling out the game board array so I know that part is working. I just can’t make the computer fill in the spot in the board displayed on the screen…Again, I must be fundamentally understanding something here but can’t seem to overcome this issue.

Hi @camperextraordinaire thanks again for trying to help me understand this. I put the break outside the if statement (but within the for statement) because I thought I needed to break the loop after the first empty square is filled in with the computer’s choice. Is this thinking not correct?

I was testing something trying to get the id of the square which the computer picked (should’ve been a document.getElementById(board[i]), but then I realized my logic was flawed because once I assigned the Computer choice (for example Comp= “X”) to that square, the value of board[i] is then “X” and not the previously assigned place holder number. This is the part I’m having trouble reconciling. How can I get the id of the square based on the game board if I’m changing that value from a number to the computer choice. I’m sorry if this is kind of convoluted logic…let me know if I’m not making sense. I appreciate you taking the time to help me with this! :slight_smile:

Thank @camperextraordinaire, I was trying to figure it out last night without the for loop but eventually decided to keep going with it but didn’t get anywhere…Thanks so much for showing me how to fill in the board with the computer’s choice! Now, I can finally test for the winning combos and finish this game…