Help with tribute page scrollable div -

Hi i have created my tribute page: and i have a p.bgimage tag which contains the text for the bio of the author i have created the page on. I would like the words to be scrollable but without showing a scroll bar. Any advice or response appreciated.

Thank you in advance,

Kind regards.


Not sure if that is what you want, but if you want the content in the <div class="book"></div> to be scrollable, you can add the style overflow: auto to the classes CSS. If there is more text than height available, the scrollbar will appear. To hide the scrollbar you can use this CSS:

.book::-webkit-scrollbar {
    opacity: 0;

It is still scrollable but you won’t see anything.
However, styling / manipulating the scrollbar is still tricky and won’t work in all browsers. See this article for more information:

Of course you can apply this style to every other class.