Helping Each Other

Hi all the good people in this beatiful place. My name is Yunus , i am from Turkey , and i was an offıcer and industrial engineer .In january i began to learn code now i am about to complete a full stack project usıng node , express mongo , jquery and bootstrap.Before this project i was selected to Microverse’s full time program. But for the financial problems i had to cancel my program .So ı was inspecting the ex bootcamp students all over the world.After learning some stuff , i saw that we need this stuffs for finding a developer job :

  1. Github account
  2. linkedin account
  3. Twitter , Slack. Etc.

1 ) Github :
We need to put our works , projects to github .And we can make it via git. So we have to know git .
We have to commit to our projects
We have to make pull requests , clones , etc.
We have to fork some other projects.
We have to inspect and star other projects if we like it.
2) Linkedin:
We must use thıs for makıng a developer portfolıo.
We have to have some proven skılls ın here and some of our developer frıends must gıve feedback to our written skills in here.
3) Slack:
Companies using some apps like slack to for communication. So they some tımes want you to know thıs channels.

My final point : I will create group :
In thıs group (if i can fınd anyone );
we will make pair programming ,
We will make pull request
We will star each other
We will commit our projects
We will merge our branchs
We will follow each other s
We will approve our skılls on linkedin
We will write good comments about our skılls on linkedin
.so ıf you want to be a part of thıs group please send message to me.
And last word : we will be truthfull. We wont lie about our projects or abour our skılls.thıs works purpose ıs not gain a fake experience. Please note that. We make some projects and after that we will write our thoughts (pros,cons) about us.
Sorry for my bad englısh. `

I suggest checking out our community support master thread.

a lot of connections in that topıc are closed .

It’s a thread of resources. If you would like to propose a new one, that is the best place to reach people who are interested. Previously we had several people a day creating posts about new groups or chatrooms and most of these went by without response.

Hey Ariel are there any working links for FCC related discord servers?