Hi! Would appreciate any feedback on my tribute page, thanks!

Tribute to Harrison Ford:

Thank you!

Hi :slight_smile:

This code is Is more readable in the CSS tab of codepen:

  h1{font-family: Merriweather;}
  p{font-size: 16px;
    font-family: Railway;}
  .smaller-image{width: 500px;}
  .thin-gray-border {
    border-color: #AA9;
    border-width: 3px;
    border-style: solid;
    border-radius: 50px;
  .pale-green-background {background-color: rgb(235,240,235)}

Maybe you can try the bootstrap class jumbotron:

<div class="pale-green-background">

In the line 21, I think the “/p” element is an error:

<h4 class="text-center"><b>Overview of Career</b></p></h4>

In the line 33, I think the “/p” element is an error:


Thanks! Oh man yes, the p tags were leftover from trying to use a paragraph element for the lists, still not sure if I’ll use or not, but definitely should not be there now!