🎉 How an Open Source Project Can Get You Hired 🎉

Very helpful! Could I receive a copy of that CV template please? :slight_smile:

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Here you go @ooyooga!


Hope you will get an interview with this template. Please let me know if it was helpful. I can try to make new ones.

Thank you. Your sharing should inspire a lot of guys( including me).:tada:

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The link to “John’s CV” has stopped working. It was fine a few days ago.

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You are awesome. Thank you. :grinning: How can I follow you on twitter?

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Oh dear, this was such a long time ago. Thank you for so many likes and clicks. I am so glad that you find my post valuable.

After so many months, I travelled the world and settled down in Tokyo, Japan, my new home. I found a job as Marketing Project Manager with some coding tasks at bitgrit. In fact, because of this forum, I create for bitgrit their own data science community forum. It is also a Discourse forum.

Without FreeCodeCamp, most of my career would not have happened. Thank you so much for this awesome community. I will see to it, that I contribute with some resources of my company to the greater good of the developer community. Please let me know how I can help.

Mhm, I am not on Twitter tbh. But if you wish to follow me, you can do so on Medium :wink:

Ok, just updated the link. Now it should work. In fact, now you can download the Designed CV template in three formats: .docx, pdf, and Adobe InDesign.

That is the biggest motivator for me. I really love to inspire people. Will write up my travel experiences here soon.

Yes I use Gitter too. But not that often anymore as before when I was learning coding. Do you use LinkedIn? We can connect there.

It is frustrating to learn anything new. Because it is hard and our brain will have to rewire. But you see, the difference between successful people and unsuccessful people is that those who succeed they bite through the frustration because they are motivated intrinsically by the reward of learning something new. Just bite through it. You will get there

In my opinion books rarely help you learn programming. By the time you read the last chapter, you will forget the first. The best way is to practice every single day 20 minutes. Programming is like playing the piano. You need to practice rather than theorising.

Omg, so long no see. How are you doing? What are you up to these days? I hope you are still active here.