How do you add a small freelance project to resume?

It was a two week gig where I just created a landing page for a small start up.
Should I include the dates or leave it out since it was so short?
Also, should I put it under projects or experience section?

I’d put it down as a project if it was that small.

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And I would put it under work experience. Assuming you were paid, it’s work. There’s a company name to write down, it wasn’t a project from a tutorial or personal idea.

Paid work shows someone had confidence in your skills.

It can depend on your resume too. Mine had “recent projects” and “work experience”, I think it’s clear where it belongs on mine.

You can post your resume to career advice as well and get a lot of great feedback.

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thanks guys, I tried adding it to my resume and not really sure how to word it because it was a simple landing page that barely used javascript, mostly just html css.
I added it under experience, but not sure, what do you guys think?

@Anon551122 @iandouglas

The reason I wouldn’t list it as experience is because a two-month “job”, even as a contractor, can look negative to some people, and some applicant tracking systems may flag you as a “risk” especially since your previous “job” (even as an intern) was somewhere in the 2-3 month range. Just my $0.02.

I do agree with @Anon551122 though that it’s paid work and you should be proud of it.


good point,
I think I might add it to my projects section and somehow mention that it was paid work or something

It’s such a shame that decisions like this can affect candidacy.

For the second bullet point about the Navbar, I would swap out “add” for “built”.


The July 2018 to June 2019 employment gap is going to be raise more HR eyebrows than your contract gig.

even for a college student?

Ha. I’m mistaken then. My first degree was 22 years ago and my second was 17 years ago. I have a different frame of mind than you.

An employment gap for a student isn’t usually a big deal. The exception would be something along the lines of being in your late 30s and the resume has only the school and a handful of related gigs.

That’s part of the game. HR people can’t ask you about your age. Most of them can count.

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As an aside, bullet points don’t need to be gramatically correct, which means you can remove some words to where they still make sense, but are shorter to read and now you don’t have a few stray words on a line by itself where it used to wrap.

For example:

  • Decouple React code from production into separate JavaScript packages for later use by other software engineers for code reusability

Turn that into

  • Decoupled production React code into separate packages for re-use by engineering team

Same meaning, but more compact. Most people reading bullet points only scan the first 5 or 6 words anyway.

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thanks, will work on that.

“… resulting in an abc% reduction in deployment time and bug fix turnaround by xyz%”. Which makes it longer again, but now it plays up the business impact. Employers eat that sh*t up :wink:

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