How do you return a new copy of state in Redux?

Link to the challenge:

Right now I’m defining the state as a new variable, but the tests still say that I am mutating the state. What am I doing wrong in this challenge? Any help is appreciated :slight_smile:

My code so far:

const ADD_TO_DO = 'ADD_TO_DO';

// A list of strings representing tasks to do:
const todos = [
  'Go to the store',
  'Clean the house',
  'Cook dinner',
  'Learn to code',

const immutableReducer = (state = todos, action) => {
  switch(action.type) {
    case ADD_TO_DO:
      let newState =  state.push(action.todo);
      return newState;
      return state;

// an example todo argument would be 'Learn React',
const addToDo = (todo) => {
  return {
    type: ADD_TO_DO,

const store = Redux.createStore(immutableReducer);

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