How I got hired as a freelancer for a new startup

Hi guys, a started out with freecodecamp a year ago but I didn’t take it seriously due to environmental factors affecting my workout. I am from Nigeria… I usually see people come up with articles about how they spent tons of hours coding or learning to code. To me, this seemed like something I couldn’t pull because we seldom have electricity in my area. So my learning pace was thwarted right from the start. I also see people talk about how they code from morning till when they get tired.
That seems a little bit different where I live. It is a common routine for we children to do our morning chores before we can do any other extra thing. The task of washing your siblings’ clothes, washing the family’s dishes after breakfast and sweeping the house consumes a lot of time. All these tries to discourage me from coding due to the little time I have left to learn code in addition to the fact that we seldom have electricity. But notwithstanding, I mustered courage and grit and continued in my slow paced learning.
The good thing about freecodecamp is that there’s already a mapped out curriculum that you can follow from start to finish without having to think about creating your own curriculum. This also helped me to learn chronologically. Sometimes I feel discouraged due to not being able to comprehend some things immediately coupled with other challenges but I know that nothing worthwhile comes easy.
Last month I applied for a job at a new startup that needed freelance members that they could redirect clients to. I was required to submit some of my projects which I did. I was also interviewed on phone and after a week or two, I got an email stating that I’ve been accepted.
Though I haven’t received any client yet as it’s a new startup, however, I won’t have been able to apply for it if I haven’t acquired this skill. I’m not that competent but that didn’t stop me from applying.
For those out there that are starting out there, I would like you to know that it won’t be really easy but you need determination and persistence to grind through. Also, apply for available jobs as you learn.
Thanks guys


Congratulations! I wish you luck with your new job. It’s so helpful to get reminders like this that not everyone can dedicate 40 hours a week to FCC and also that it isn’t the only path to success. Thank you for sharing.

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Congratulations, and thank you for sharing your inspiring journey.

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thanks bro, I appreciate

thanks Ariel, you are right