How to append parent element when checkbox is checked

The list of jokes that has been loaded should be jumped to favorite list when the checkbox is being checked. How could I do that.

	function bindCheckbox() {
		let inputCheckbox = document.querySelectorAll('input[type=checkbox]');
		let elems = document.getElementById('list-of-jokes').childNodes;
		let favoriteList = document.getElementById('favorites');

		if(elems.length > 0) {	
			inputCheckbox.forEach(function(element, index) {
				inputCheckbox[index].addEventListener('change', function() {
					if(this.checked && === 'list-of-jokes') {
					} else {
						console.log('not checked');

Can we see your HTML or a pen? I don’t want spend a lot of time trying to recreate your html in order to test this.

I found the answer already, but could not find out how to delete this question.

It would be better to post your solution so others can see it.

	<div class="inner-body">
		<button id="getData">GET Jokes</button>

		<div class='inner-block'>
			<h2>Chuck Norris Jokes</h2>

			<ul class='unordered-list' id="list-of-jokes">

		<div class='inner-block'>
			<ul class='unordered-list' id="favorites">


function bindCheckbox() {
		let inputCheckbox = document.querySelectorAll('input[type=checkbox]');
		let elems = document.getElementById('list-of-jokes').childNodes;
		let favoriteList = document.getElementById('favorites');

		if(elems.length > 0) {	
			inputCheckbox.forEach(function(element, index) {
				inputCheckbox[index].addEventListener('change', function() {
					let fav = localStorage.getItem('favoList') || [];
					let joke = this;
					if(joke.checked && === 'list-of-jokes') { 
					   joke.checked = false;

					if(joke.checked && === 'favorites') {