How to organise a freeCodeCamp conference

Hello !!! My name is Djoulako Camel Léonce. Please what is the procedure and the conditions necessary to organize a freeCodeCamp conference for my workgroup. The group name is freeCodeCamp Nkongsamba. we are in Cameroon in the city of Nkongsamba. I am the creator of the said facebook group and I am still waiting for it to be approved because it is not yet visible on the training platform.
thank you.

please reply me but it is very important for me to organize a freecodecamp coffe

Ask @QuincyLarson directly. (I just tagged him to be sure he sees the message)

Can you add your study group to the directory here:

If you can’t figure it out, please add a GitHub issue with as much info as possible.

As for organizing your conference, we would love to help in any way we can (with our limited resources). Can you send me an email at quincy at freecodecamp org?

THANK @QuincyLarson to reply me.
a group freeCodeCamp Nkongsamba is not view of a list of group because this steep cannot mach
"12 . If you haven’t already, make sure to add Justin1.4k to your group and then make him an additional admin so he can add you to the official list —you’ll be able to do this after adding him, in the members section, clicking on the gear icon next to his name.
No need to “friend him” if you didn’t do it on step 0. Just send him a private message with the link to your group and he’ll join by himself."

please help me to add this group ( freeCodeCamp Nkongsamba)

Are you looking to make a real life conference or to make a video conference. Maybe there may be some members that will not be able to come but would like to be present at this conference. What I am trying to say is that I have a team on freecodecamp and they are from different countries and we are using zoomappdownload for conferences, it is easy to use and better than others we tried previously. You may try it in case you want, maybe it will be useful for you too.