How to use ajax data out of scope?

I am using a when,done ajax call for the two links. But how do I bring the data out scope, so I can use it in another function.


 var urlS = "";
 var urlC = "";

  var twitch = function(urlS, urlC) {

    var status = $.getJSON(urlS);
    var channel = $.getJSON(urlC);

    $.when(status, channel).done(function(status, channel) {
      var stat = status[0],
          chan = channel[0];


/* want to use data out of this twitch function */

What do you have in mind? You could initialize a variable outside the promise’s scope and set them inside the $.done call, but it would be better to just call whichever functions you want to use inside of $.done. Remember, you’re not just dealing with scope here, but a possible race condition where some other function could be called before $.done, and would then be missing those variables.

i tried setting a global variable and set the data to the global variable inside the done, but it did not work for me.

I have an array of users and i want to use map function to generate the links. Then pass in the links into the promise function and have it return an the necessary data i need in an object. Then use a for loop for my new object to create a table.

Yeah, you’ll want to use the code you’ve defined above per user, and then do your DOM manipulation inside of the $.done call.

arrayOfUsernames.forEach(function(usename) {
var urlS = "" + username + "?callback=?";
 var urlC = "" + username + "?callback=?";

  var twitch = function(urlS, urlC) {

    var status = $.getJSON(urlS);
    var channel = $.getJSON(urlC);

    $.when(status, channel).done(function(status, channel) {
      var stat = status[0],
          chan = channel[0];

       //Add markup here


I highly suggest using Moustache templating. Check out these two videos for a quick example of this in action:
jQuery Ajax Tutorial #3 - Delegating Events & Mustache.js Templating
jQuery Ajax Tutorial #4 - “Edit” modes & Better Mustache.js

It might seem like a lot to take in, but it’ll make your life a lot easier.

thanks for the advice

A common solution to this problem is to put one AJAX function inside the other one like this.

$.getJSON(urlS, function(streamdata){
    status = streamdata;
    $.getJSON(urlC, function(channeldata){
    channel = channeldata;
        // put all of the code that depends on the JSON data in here