I didn't understand the exercise where the function is used inside the for loop

Tell us what’s happening:

Your code so far

var printNumTwo;
for (var i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
  if (i === 2) {
    printNumTwo = function() {
      return i;
// returns 3

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Challenge: Compare Scopes of the var and let Keywords

Link to the challenge:

i couldn’t evaluate how the function is working inside the for loop. the function specified inside the for loop doesn’t have a name and the function called in the console.log, which function is it referring to?

So does it mean that assigning the variable printNumTwo with an anonymous function does give that function a name.

Oh yeah. thanx for the help. Didn’t knew the concept of anonymous function and function expression before. Now i’ve understood. Just a small doubt, do we need to type ‘use strict’; everytime we use let keyword. If so why?