I got a job :-)

Wow, this is so cool. If you happen to stumble upon this reply, I have a few questions for you.

(1) Did you mention your fCC certs at all and (2) if you did, what was the reaction? Thank you!

Hope you’re doing well!


Best of luck dear for your job

That’s really awesome news. Congrats and I wish you the best in your new career :smiley:

Congratulations! and thanks for sharing your journey. Happy Coding :nerd_face:

Yeah, congratulations!

Congratulation ! Your story motivates me not to give up.:smile:

thank you so much for this advices.

Wow, great to hear your story and have much you persevered!

Maybe it’s kinda late now but congratulations! Your story is amazing, it inspires me a lot because I’ve been lost in my career path. Thank you for sharing your advices :slight_smile:

Congratulations! I am taking a couple month break from work to focus on programming and FCC in hopes of landing an internship in Southern California.

Wish you the best of luck in your new career!

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Your path to a full stack web developer job is interesting . Hop you got the job in California itself

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Congrats :balloon::fireworks:

Yay! Congratulations!!! :smiley:

This is very inspiring. Thank you for sharing this with the freeCodeCamp community!

In the interview process, your main message to the employer is: I know my stuff, I am a fast learner, I am a lifelong learner, I am passionate about programming and I have no doubt that I want to make it my career. Keep that in mind, and ask/answer questions accordingly.

This part is especially helpful. Good luck!

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Well done @elisecode247! Great tips there. So true about HR: The last company I worked for had an HR department that filtered out technical candidates based on their own (non-technical) whims! Also - great advice about you also interviewing your employer: It sends the message that you have decent standards and plan to succeed! Good luck!

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u should try to apply for Wizeline in Guadalajara.
They are a dream company


Whenever freeCodeCamp staff members move or otherwise make changes to an old topic, it goes to the front page.

Congratulations :slight_smile: and thanks for tips.

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Congratulations. You deserve it.

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Congratulations! I too coming from a non-technical field, trying too hard to become a full-stack web developer. I started “Feebootcamp” almost a month now, and I am learning fast as I switch between different learning platforms and programming books. Stories like yours are very inspiring to new learners like myself.