I have redesigned my tribute page

Hi Campers, I have redesigned my tribute page since I couldn’t complete all the projects before freeCodeCamp got major updates. Here is the codepen link https://codepen.io/picklu/full/mPWyaB/. This time I am committed to myself that I will complete all the responsive web design projects. I am not sure how the projects are considered qualified. Is it okay if I only use classes for styling and leave the ids for the freeCodeCamp test suite? Appreciate any comments or suggestions.

It doesn’t matter as long as you pass the tests.

Looks pretty good to me :slight_smile:

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Thank you, shimphillip.

No, your page should look good and tests should came second.

FCC is for learning, not trying to past the annoying tests.

@picklu Your page looks great either way if it passes or not.

1914 - Ramanujan travelled to England in 1914

i n fi n i t y

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These tests are absolutely useless when it comes to learning. They fail to help structure the web page what so ever, or help you in the first place.

Too many times i see people say a good looking project is not good because it doesn’t pass 1 test, or a bad looking project is good because 14/14 tests past.

The tests are completely unrealistic. I highly dout a local business cares about the ID of the header. They care if they have a header in the first place.

Instead of showing people lots of different example headers, footers, designs, etc. You get this:

User Story #1: I can see a main element with a corresponding id=“main-doc”, which contains the page’s main content (technical documentation).
User Story #2: Within the #main-doc element, I can see several section elements, each with a class of main-section. There should be a minimum of 5.
User Story #3: The first element within each .main-section should be a header element which contains text that describes the topic of that section.

see how useless this is? making some of these projects would be self explanatory if you just looked up examples and got ideas that way.

I do agree with your thinking. That is why I kept aside those instructions from the design decisions of my project. I think we should come up with new ideas to set up some criteria to grade the developers. But the problem with your “User story” idea is that it needs a lot of expert people to grade the projects.

I read @shimphillip comment as a response to this question (maybe I’m wrong).

I am not sure how the projects are considered qualified. Is it okay if I only use classes for styling and leave the ids for the freeCodeCamp test suite?

Passing the test is part of the assignment. Like it or not, the student doesn’t get to dictate the rules of assignments. You can’t have automated tests without fixed parameters, and you definitely can’t make them judge looks. Having said that, i do understand, and at least partly agree, with what you are saying. Yes, the page should look “good”, and yes effort should be put into making a nice looking page. But that doesn’t mean you can’t pass the tests.

I should really have commented on your page. You are looking for feedback, not for your thread to be hijacked.

I think it looks pretty good, the hover effects might be a bit too many/strong/distracting. They make it a little hard to focus on the information on the page. But we are allowed to have fun and i quite like the pseudo element spinny things (is spinny a word?), so it’s cool i guess. Good work.

Thank you. I really appreciate all of your comments. At first, I made the tribute page without any hover effect. Then I thought why not use the hover effect since I am still learning.

Most of the project review section is

“14/14 tests past for me, its great”

Its very rare i see actual in depth reviews on peoples projects, which s why i am constantly on here to properly review them. Its almost like what people want to hear what they need to hear.

This is a online bootcamp, not HS. You are here to learn how to make webpages, not make sure 14/14 of the unrealistic tests pass to make it suddenly good. I highly dout a client will ask for this header id, and this section id, etc.

The tests are easy that i would do them if a client asked me, but its annoying and useless currently. The tests don’t help you what so ever.

Couldn’t agree more!

If you were going for the look of a report, you nailed it! I don’t see anything wrong with it.

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