I just completed my first 4 projects!

Hello, I just completed the first 4 responsive web design projects and I’ll appreciate your feedback. I worked so hard to make the sites responsive and have a nice feel.

Here are the projects

Thanks in advance! :heart:

  • Keep the test script when forking the pen (<script src="https://cdn.freecodecamp.org/testable-projects-fcc/v1/bundle.js"></script>).
    • The test script should be included, with all tests passing, when you submit your project.
    • Your tribute page passes 8/10 user stories. It needs to be responsive.
    • Your product landing page passes 15/16 user stories.
    • Your tech doc page passes 15/16 user stories. It needs to be responsive.

Thanks so much for reaching out!

I have included the test script with all test passing. I’ll appreciate if you please review my projects once more. Thanks in advance!