I re-made my portfolio!

Hey, i finished remaking my portfolio. Sort of. I haven’t yet finished all the projects in it yet, but their description is accurate.
I’m currently working on finishing a blog on this same domain, and after that i’ll do the projects that are listed but not completed.

Here’s the link, any feedback is extremely welcome: https://selhar.github.io

Cool. Looks good.

I might consider rounding the corners on those images a bit. Even 1 or 2px can have a slight unconscious effect. Those square corners always look harsh to me.

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Thanks, i update the links to finished projects and added a little border radius.

Very nice! Very clean looking. How long did you work on it?

From learning jekyll to actually building the page, a week. But most of it was leaning jekyll, you can view the code here: GitHub - Selhar/selhar.github.io: Personal website