I should see an <a> element with a corresponding id="tribute-link", which links to an outside site that contains additional information about the subject of the tribute page

Hello guys,

I am building codes to complete my very first task “Build a tribute page”.

And there is an issue #7 I should see an element with a corresponding id=“tribute-link”, which links to an outside site that contains additional information about the subject of the tribute page.

I find it hard to solve this problem even though I have looked through some solutions…

I really appreciate if anyone has a solution for me. Thank you so much.

You didn’t include your code, but you can figure this out by breaking it down.

  • You need an <a> element. You did this very early on in the HTML lessons.
  • It should have an id of “tribute-link”. You’ve added ids to elements before. The footer, for example.
  • It should link to an outside site. You learned how to use <a> tags to create links. “An outside site” just means a website that is different from your own.
  • The link should contain additional information about the subject. So instead of just linking to “google.com” or something, link to a page that is about who/what you are making your tribute page about. Wikipedia would be an easy and obvious one.

Thank you so much for your reply.

this is my Codepen and still hasn’t solved the problem…

<a href="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gustav_Klimt" target="_blank">Gustav Klimt</a>

Where is the id?

Wow… yeah I passed 10/10!! thank you so much

I put id and it solved

but, the link is gone… I am relived that Ive passed but Im curious to know where the link is …

<div id="tribute-link" a href="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gustav_Klimt" target="_blank">Gustav Klimt</a>

You changed the opening tag to a div, which can screw a bunch of things up.