I think there might be a need for a new Catagory to discuss the beta version

I have been doing some exercises in the new beta version of FCC. While I enjoyed it, the usual ways to interact with the community were not available. The only thing which was available was to report a bug. Perhaps there is a need for a new catagory here in the forum for the Beta version.
Such a catagory could be used also to discuss issues with other students practicing the Beta, and perhaps walso to provide feedback to FCC even if it is not about a bug.

Why can’t you just use the meta category? Its meant for this type of posts.

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I completely disagree. If anything, there are too many threads about it already.
This forum is great, but members create new threads when the topics and questions about them already exist. I think the search feature is under-utilized. Take for example a specific challenge; if you do a search for one you will find many threads addressing the same challenge - ideally you would want a single thread for each.
Countless times people ask questions on here that have been answered numerous times already.


Thanks. Naturally, when practicing the beta I find some mistakes (from my perspective. Mistakes, not bugs). I’ll just post them in the forum with the work Beta in the title.

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