I'm going to redesign my portfolio site. What would you change from my old one?


I made this a while ago, and I learned a lot since then. I want to make a new one from scratch before starting to search for a job. I’ve heard people say that the website is ‘too scary’, and I can definitely see that. What else would you change? Don’t be gentle.

Thank you.

The people were right. To be honest, my first impression visiting your site was that it’s looking exactly like a religious ritual or a Satan’s lover website. lol
Joking asides. Your design style was totally out-dated and inappropriate: the glow texts, texture logo, the wall??
My suggestion would be follow up the trends:
Simple white background - grey texts with many white spaces.
Choose a modern color palette - Pick a style (flat, shadow, gradient…)
Material design is still kind of an amazing tech-oriented design.

Immerse yourself in modern web designs, you will learn something for yourself.


Thank you for the feedback :sweat_smile: