I'm looking for a mentor

Hi !

I’m 28 and graduated in law & economics in Brussels, Belgium. I used to work the last years in finance and got really bored. Since I’m 15, I like to code, I played with a bit of the following : html, css, php, python, javascript, R.

Everybody around think I’m crazy but I quitted my well payed job in finance in order to become a dev, as a freelancer or for a startup (maybe a fintech?).

I’m now following FreeCodeCamp and I would like to have a mentor to chat with, to guide me through this transition. That would be cool because sometimes I miss the big picture (especially when I hear about React, Angular, Node.js, and so one).

I’m a good learner, dedicated and very excited by this leap of faith!


The awesome thing about fCC is the community is an amazing mentor. If you have any questions as you progress post them here and you’ll get a lot of different responses! It has helped me tremendously. I started the curriculum about two months ago and am finishing up the last projects of the Data Visualization Certificate.

I’ve asked a lot of questions and answered some too! Don’t be afraid to post when you have questions!


Hey, My name is Lawrence, and I share similar story as yours. I left my job at Amex to pursue my career as Fullstack MERN developer. I still in the learning phase (it never send :slight_smile: ) but quite comfortable with React, Redux, Node and Express (Of course Holy Trinity - HTML, CSS and JS). Not as a mentor but if you wish to discuss your roadmap as developer and some peer coding projects, please contact me. Happy to help in any way I can. Lawrence4code@gmail.com