Insert to database from form. PHP SQL

Hello. I have a problem with deleting promo code value from the database.
I have form created with php which sends(or must send) info from the form to the dcodes_action.php.
I need to send $new_row to dcodes_action.php but when I echoing this later on the dcodes_action.php page I got only “submit” in the place of $new_row value.

This is my first file:

echo '<div class="table">';
foreach ($row_arr as $new_row) {
	echo "<table id='table'>";
	echo "<tr>";
	echo "<form action='../admin/dcodes_action.php' id='form' method='get'>
			<input class='delete_button' name='todelete' type='submit'><span id='code'>".$new_row."</span></input>
	echo "</tr>";
    echo "</table>";
	echo "<input type='submit' value='Delete'>

echo "<form action='../admin/dcodes_action.php' id='new_code'>
		<input id='new_code_textfield' type='text' name='newcode' placeholder='Enter new code'>	
		<input id='new_code_submit' type='submit' value='Submit'>




And I have a table of all the *promocodes but the problem is in transfering to the database.
My second destination file looks like:

if($code_to_delete = $_GET['todelete']){
echo $code_to_delete.'code to delete<br/>';

$sql_code_delete = "DELETE FROM dcodes WHERE value = ('" .$code_to_delete. "')";
if ($conn->query($sql_code_delete ) === TRUE) {
    echo "<br/>deleting code";
} else {
    echo "Wrong";
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First fix your document layout: you’re not closing your forms, so who knows where the browser does that for you. I doubt you need one per input either, it’s just complicating matters.

Your second blob is insecure, use a prepared statement or similar instead.