Is it ok to grab any image for use?

As I’ve been working through the responsive web design projects, I’ve been wondering if I’m allowed to just grab any picture from the internet or are there restrictions?

Usually no.

Therefore I would search images on sites that give you 100% free copyright to use them like

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Thanks for the heads up.

Yes, it is on to grab any image for use.

As long as you are happy to be pursued legally in future :slight_smile:

Here are some ways I commonly find images that are free to re-use, aside from Unsplash which has already been mentioned…

  1. Search Google Images, and then filter by usage rights. You can find this filter on the search results page under Tools > Usage Rights

  1. is a free stock image collection similar to the aforementioned Unsplash. It’s subjective but I like the qualities of their images better than other sites. Plus Pexel search will point to images from other collections like (bonus)

  2. For works in progress, proofs of concept or student projects you can use place holder servers like: