Is something missing here?

Before I go too far, is something important missing here:

Hi, it indeed seems like something is missing. It looks like they will just give you a sample response on a link that is not yet active. You can still use the Twitch API, but you will have to get a client-id. In the post beneath you can see how to add the client-id to your ajax request.

I have found that you must place the client id both inside the ajax call and in the header.
Also, remove the callback.
Hope this helps.

Hey, I used this code:

  url: '' + channel,   
  headers: { "Client-ID" : "Client-ID" } 
 // Or use succes

So you only need to include the client-id in the header.

Thank you for that. I don’t know why I needed it in both locations, I’m just glad it finally works :blush:

i finally got it to work, removing callback, and client id only in the header.
