Is there a FCC equivalent for PHP

I’m a big fan of PHP, had a job interview a few months ago with a credit card company but the feedback I got was that I still needed some work on basic PHP.

Before I came on FCC, I had experience with some javascript and jquery but I still learned a lot on there tracks by learning the very basics. Can’t get to be pro without understanding the basics.

I can make PHP do good things, like - I built a wordpress plugin that is powering all the fixtures, scorecard and statistics on that website.

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You can use PHP for the backend projects, if you want. That will build your skills. CodeAcademy can help you with the fundamentals.

In my opinion, the FСС is unique in its kind. Hardly you will find something similar for PHP or any other language. For the fact that the FCC is concentrated mainly in Javascript, I think there is a sufficient reason - “What programming language should you learn first?

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Even though FCC is focused on JS, there’s no reason for not doing the projects in PHP as @PortableStick pointed out before. At the end of the day you only need some challenges and/or ideas to work with and make an app. I’m working currently as a PHP junior developer and I’m finding out that there are a lot of similarities between PHP and JS (at least more than I expected), letting me using a lot of the knowledge learned here for my daily work.

If your looking for a community like this one but focused on PhP I’m afraid I know none :sweat_smile: (If you find it, let me know :stuck_out_tongue:)