Iterating over properties of this.state React

I wan to iterate over properties in this.state.

this.state looks like that:

this.state = {
            firstName: '',
            lastName: '',
            email: '',

I tried it this way:

var names = ['firstName','lastName','email'];
       alert (this.state.names[0]);

Throws error, this.state.names is undefined

I can possibly wrap firstName, lastName, email in another object:

items : {
           firstName: '',
            lastName: '',
            email: '',

And then use:

Object.keys(this.state.items).map(function (key) {...

But then I don’t know how to set state. Which is now:

handleData(data, name){
      [name]: data,


      items[name]: data,

Starts throwing an error.

Thank you for all suggestions :slight_smile:

this.state is an object so iterating directly won’t work.
you could try making an array like this

var names = [this.state.firstname, this.state.lastname,]

maybe if you were a little more specific on what you are trying to do and posted some more code i could help more.

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As @benjaminadk suggested state is an object.
So you can use a for each loop, or (and that’s what I generally like) using ES6 Object syntax to iterate.

Object.keys(this.state.item).map(i => alert(this.state.item[i))
 // will alert each values

You can call setState inside the map function for example:

i => this.setState({ [i]: someValue }))

Please note that I use arrow function inside map so that it does not bind this.
Maybe the error you had in your function was due to the fact that you were re-binding this context.
(if your error was cannot read property state of undef it’s likely the case)

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I want to find a property that doesn’t have any value and trigger an even in child element. So when the user press submit button, fields that didn’t receive any value will be marked red;

This how my render function for parent looks like now:


         return (
           <form className="formLight" onSubmit={this.handleSubmit}>
           placeholder = "Email"
           placeholder = "Last Name"
           placeholder = "First Name"
           <input className="submitButton" type="submit" value="Submit" />

The idea was to write something like this:

Object.keys(this.state.item).map(function (key) {
       var myitem = this.state.item[key];
       if (myitem == ''){

In your first try you have to use square brackets to access the properties, I think.

Like this:

Because names[0] is a string containing the name of a property of state.

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This function looks ok

Object.keys(this.state.item).map(function (key) {
       var myitem = this.state.item[key];
       if (myitem == ''){

Except maybe for the binding of this.

It can be slimmed down as:

Object.keys(this.state.item).map((key) => {
       if (!this.state.item[key]){

Have you tried it?

On a side note using refs is (in general) not an optimal idea in react, in the docs is explained why: refs and the dom

what you want to accomplish can be done with ease, assuming your inputs are controlled components ( ie when a user type a state change in your app, instead of letting the DOM handle it).

It’s enough to have in your state a parameter for the error and pass it to the child as prop:

 emailError: false,


For example :slight_smile:

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Thank you very much, @Marmiz :slight_smile: That makes total sense! I am a bit new to React and child + parent relations blow my mind))


If you have any more doubt or questions please feel free to reach me :slight_smile:

Happy coding :+1:

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