I've got all three certifications, how can I get access to the full stack projects?

I’ve finished all the tasks on FreeCodeCamp yesterday, but the full stack projects is still locked on my page.
How could I get access to the final Full Stack Certification?

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Thanks~and my replay is too short.

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Wow!! @discountry CONGRATULATIONS !!!

Congratulations @discountry!

Which project from the curriculum are you most proud of? Would you care to share a link?

you can find me here:http://codepen.io/discountry/pens/popular/

Very nice @discountry , congratulations! Your hard work has obviously paid off.

Thank you very much~

Awesome congratz! @discountry!!

Good going!!!

I am at the beginning of the API Projects now. You are an inspiration.

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How long did it take you @discountry