Job Ready Portfolio?

Hey guys,

I’ve been job hunting for a few months now to no avail. I live in Houston so the market is very dry for devs, especially React devs from what I’ve found. However, I’ve gotten a lot of rejections from companies/startups outside of Houston.

So I was hoping to get opinions on my portfolio because I’m thinking theres something I’m missing or doing wrong or, of course, I just need to get better. But I have tons of projects and I feel like I’ve met criteria to be applying for, at least, a Jr. Dev job. Anyways anything helps!

Thanks :slight_smile:

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Are you sure a potential client that has no knowledge about web dev will understand what: “a front end, full-stack & blockchain developer” means?

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Check this out:

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I’m not really in a position to say how much this matters, but i would personally love to see at least one project on github with a commit history detailing the work. Also you don’t seem to have pushed anything using git, all the files are uploaded via file upload. Showing you can use git and github for more then just storage might be useful.

Side note, does your font size really have to be so small.