Join an open-source community

Hey, everyone.

I created a GitHub organization which has a focus of creating software for a niche topic: Stoicism.

I’m not sure if anyone is familiar with it, but I guess you could say it’s a philosophy of living, not much different than Buddhism.

It’s a fun way to get experience, perhaps provide useful things for people, and contribute to open-source projects, together.

Currently, I’m focusing on the website: responsive design) and plan on creating a community forum with the NodeBB software.

If you like the idea, and want to join/contribute, please let me know.

Thank you!

EDIT: @m1guelpf informed me of his service below. Here’s a link to instantly join the organization(anyone is free to join!)

Also, you do not need to have an interest in Stoicism, just a desire to build things, and to learn software development.


I didn’t realize I needed a complete website. This is a learning experience. Not just for myself, but for others as well. I’m not asking people to create the website, but if they want to contribute, and get started with it, then that’s fine. I thought that was the idea of open-source - to create things together.

All-in-all, I’m just dipping my toes in the water to see if people are interested. This is not meant to be a professional thing, but a fun experience.

I guess I can work on the site more, which is what I’ve been doing.

So, yeah, if anyone is interested in what I’ve said, then feel free to join.

You mean a README in the repository? Or do you mean the “projects” tab? Sorry, still figuring this out. But I’ve posted here, and hopefully explained correctly. Will get on that! Thank you @camperextraordinaire, if you have time, and feel like giving some more pointers(like you have above), it’d be much appreciated.

username1001, I would love to help. Not sure how to exchange the email because we will chat on the phone.
How do I reach out to you?

@kieykouch Great! I can add you to the organization, if you want. Your username is the same here, no? kieykouch? My email is

Yes, my username is the same. I will email you sometimes today. You can remove your email out if you want. I already copied it.

Ok, cool. I sent you an invitation. You should have an email waiting for you. Looking forward to hearing from you!

I added a to a recent open source group project for our local (Melbourne) freeCodeCamp group.

I recommend you add one of those so that people know how to contribute. (Steal mine and change the links if you like :slight_smile: )

Since this is a greenfield project (i.e. you’re making it from scratch together), you should at a minimum put together a To-Do list of jobs that need to be done, so people have a sense of what you’re making.

Even better, create extensive User Stories, and use the GitHub projects Kanban style board to set out the road map of work to be completed.

New projects are exciting, but you’ll benefit from a good structure at the start to steer you in the right direction.


Indeed, it’ll definitely need one of those, haha. Considering @camperextraordinaire’s reply, the post is premature; I wish I would have waited until things were more “ready”, and thought out. :confused:

Thank you for offering the README, your post is greatly appreciated!

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From the purpose of my learning, I don’t think this is premature at all. Good to see the steps that others are recommending you make. I’ll definitely be following along as each new step gets documented.


That’s what I initially thought as well. I mean, that is why I created this, that is, to be a learning tool. I think the forum I have in mind may gather a decent amount of users(I posted about it in a Facebook group, and quite a few people messaged me saying they’d love it), which would be great, I think. Creating a real-world application that is actually used by a lot of people, just lands us closer to our goals, and in itself, is an awesome thing to accomplish. However, that isn’t the end-goal. The goal is to learn and build together. Whether or not people actually use any of the projects is a secondary concern.

Sorry for writing all of that unsolicited text, but I thought it might be useful for potential contributors. I agree that the advice of other people so far was great, definitely worth following along, haha.

Just to clarify, Randell’s suggestion for a README was good, but that serves a slightly different purpose to a CONTRIBUTING document.

Typically, the README is to tell users how to use the product. Usually you see them on NPM modules or frameworks, explaining the API. Your forum idea might just have a README that explains the purpose of the forum, and if it’s a standalone piece of forum software you might include hosting instructions for those that wanted to clone it.

The CONTRIBUTING document is to tell contributors how to get involved. So that includes instructions for cloning the repo, how to format pull requests, and any requirements you have (such as using a specific ESlint config, or to ensure tests pass before PRs etc…)


Yes, I’ve added both. Used your :smile: I’ve linked your github, and the original repository which it’s from in the “attribution” section. I hope you don’t mind! Thanks again, @JacksonBates

If you don’t want to manually send invites for ever, you can use a free service like OrgManager to do so :smile:

Wow, how helpful! Thank you @m1guelpf :smile:

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Presumably you made that @m1guelpf?

Could you explain what it does exactly?

I just realized the name Miguel in the URL. Did you create this?? :astonished:

@JacksonBates, I’d like to know to, honestly. I just gave admin access to my organization :neutral_face:

Yeah - I run an org to, and want to know how this processes my orgs data without compromising the privacy or safety of my volunteers…hence my question :slight_smile:

Same concerns as you, haha. I see familiar faces in the OrgManager project.

I found this:
“OrgManager takes Github Organizations to a new level! We require the org:admin permission to send invites to your users, but remember that you can revoke that permission when you want, and that we won’t do anything without your permission.”

@m1guelpf, What does it mean by “send invites to your users”? Do we already need users?

I’d like to know to, honestly. I just gave admin access to my organization

I run an org to, and want to know how this processes my orgs data without compromising the privacy or safety of my volunteers…hence my question

First, if you don’t want to trust your data blindly to the app (something that I wouldn’t do :smile:) the app is OSS, so you can check the code here.

Could you explain what it does exactly?

OrgManager allows you to create a “portal” where users can apply to your GitHub org and be auto-invited, or you can also set a password.

Did you create this??

Yep :smile: