Just got my first certification, please rate my projects

Here’s my Personal Portfolio Page, it has all the other projects, all feedback is appreciated .

ooh! Your page has so much potential! (I just reviewed the portfolio for now)

What I liked:

  • landing page looks great and makes me want to find out more. I quickly clicked on the downward arrow!
  • you clearly show what tech skills you are familiar with in a concise manner
  • your projects display page looks neat and I really liked the detailed responsiveness as I hovered and almost clicked.

Some disappointing things:

  • I got excited by your landing page and I wanted to see the blurred out picture. I kind of thought that when I click the down arrow, the next page would show me that picture. But it never happened (but I forgot about till later anyway)
  • I was expecting to see that downward pointing arrow after every section. I didn’t like having a nice arrow like that only on the landing page and not on every page.
  • The gradient background got too bright and wacky by the time I got to the contact section. Maybe find a less bright color?
  • The social links didn’t look like they were clickable. I had to put my mouse over them to check… Maybe a style update can make them look like they are something to be clicked on (so many examples of that on the web and even here on FCC)
  • The ‘Home’ menu button didn’t work for me (doesn’t seem to work at all)
  • Sadly the page header wasn’t able to handle it when i resized my browser (screen shot below for your convenience)
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Looks really good. Overall I do like it.
I think my main feedback would be:

  • Something to potentially consider, is to make the header not so ‘transparent’ as such, personally I think there might need to be something to help differentiate it from the rest of the page.
  • Also the one down arrow looked slightly odd, as it is the only one… (sorry if that doubles up with what was said in previous feedback :slight_smile:)

You definitely should check out your page on Mobile, there is some room for improvement :slight_smile:

The information on the fixed header is not always visible while scrolling. Try changing the header background to a more solid color.