Just in time for election season: My Voting App!

Finally got my Voting App finished! It took a lot longer than I thought it would, especially with a new baby in the family. :blush: In any case, this is my first full stack project, so I’m sure there are bugs that I missed or didn’t think of. One thing to note, I did not include any password retrieval or reset for local users. That will come eventually, I’m sure. :smirk:

If you’re interested in the code, you can find it in my GitHub Repository.

Happy coding!

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Hey, congrats on the little one! I’m having some trouble accessing the polls. I get the loading animation and some other text on the page, but I’m not seeing the polls themselves. Dev console is complaining about an unexpected ‘>’ on line 335 of polls.js. I’m on latest Safari.

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Thanks for the feedback. That’s the second time forgetting to test in Safari has come back to bite me. While it would be easy to blame it all on the new baby, it was all me. I need to add Safari testing to my normal routine. I fixed the problem, so it should work fine now. It turns out that while Chrome allows shorthand for passed functions, Safari does not. For example, while Safari only works with something like
getData((err, data) => {});
Safari needs it to be
getData(function(err, data) {});

Thanks again for the info!

Thanks for the feedback. That’s the second time forgetting to test in Safari has come back to bite me. While it would be easy to blame it all on the new baby, it was all me. I need to add Safari testing to my normal routine. I fixed the problem, so it should work fine now. It turns out that while Chrome allows shorthand for passed functions, Safari does not. For example, while Safari only works with something like
getData((err, data) => {});
Safari needs it to be
getData(function(err, data) {});

Thanks again for the info!

Could also look into using Babel to transpile the code into ES5(?) so all browsers can handle it. Gives you the benefit of being able to use things like arrow functions in your source. There are a couple ways to do so, either the Babel CLI or Gulp are some that come to mind.

Let me know if you have any questions, and I’ll try to help with my limited experience :slight_smile:

Also, congrats on the baby!

Thanks, I may take you up on that later on. :slight_smile: