Learn to code and use a computer

Hi, i am trying to teach myself how to code so i can possibly work in the video game industry or just any kind of technology/entertainment based company. i know very little and only some of the basics. hoping somebody would be able to help me with step by step guidance and possibly actually photos of what its suppose to look like. i am having trouble knowing where to put a new line and how to add or adjust other details such as, style, font, and color(that’s all I’ve done so far). Right now i am working on creating a 2nd p element and changing the font size.

ps. right now i work in food services so my hours are kinda random so please have patience outside of my ignorance. 6/24/2017

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We’ll be glad to help. Usually the best way to get help is to provide the code you are working on. If you’re working in codepen you can just provide a link, but it sounds like you are just working on the FCC problems so you can cut and paste the code you are working on. Just remember to put three backticks (the key under the ESC) on the line before the code block and the same on the line after - so it comes out pretty and easy to read. And be sure to mention the name of the problem you are working on and as best you can explain what you are having trouble with.

If we can see what you are trying to do, it will be easier for us to know how we can help you. There are dozens of people on here that are ready to give you some help, but we need to see what you are doing.

ps. right now i work in food services so my hours are kinda random so please have patience outside of my ignorance. 6/24/2017

Don’t worry about it. We call come here with different levels of knowledge. There are no studpid questions because there is no question you can ask that hasn’t been asked by someone else. And nearly everyone here has had at least one (if not many) stumbling blocks on their coding journey. In the words of Will Rogers, “Everybody’s ignorant, just on different subjects.”

But if we can see what you’re trying to do, it will help. Plus it will make it not necessary to give you the answer and harm your education.

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If you are a very beginner, I would recommend that you start W3schools.

Also try these videos.


Theses should give you a good foundation to work from.