Let's discuss your "Random Quote Machine"

Hi @rickstewart ,
You forgot the Twitter sharing button in your project. :wink:

Hey @secan actually not. I completed that assignment over half a year ago and twitter was not a requirement.

These assignments evolve over time…

There are some really nice looking ones here! For a page that does so little, it’s all going to come down to design and how beautiful it looks. I wish I had at least one artistic bone in my body. LOL

More relevant to UX/UI than aesthetics, moving the buttons to the top is a good idea. That way, the buttons stay in the same place. The way it is on the example, the length of each new quote changes the height of the box, which in turn changes the position of the “next” button and you have to chase it around. I noticed how annoying that was but didn’t think of moving the buttons to the top. Kudos to those that did.

Here’s mine. It’s just a standard copy of the example. http://codepen.io/PenCoderr/full/JKjaQZ/


That’s a very good suggestio; thank you very much!

Here’s Mine http://codepen.io/0x1000/full/aZvQMx/.

I like your design (even if i dont care for green), and you did a great choice of font. I agree with the idea of moving the buttons to the top, i did so in my project (only the two that generates the new quotes) and i think that they improve usability.
Anyway, everyone:
Project link: http://codepen.io/HenryMAC/full/VjwoBB/

Here is my Random Quote Machine. I was very lost trying to learn WikiMedia’s API for WikiQuotes. I decided to give it a rest and create my own array of quotes. The author is triggered based on the Array index. Not too elegant I admit, but I’m glad I know exactly how every piece of code works, as opposed to a lot of pieced together copying and guesswork.

Universal Brotherhood QuoteBot - http://codepen.io/adamgmurray/pen/oLXggB

Yeah - The keyevents only register if I use my mouse to click on the frame with the actual content. Once clicked, Chrome should start registering and firing off the keyevents. (At least in my chrome). I’m not sure how to bring focus onto the content. It may have something to do with viewing the page via codepen’s frames. Not sure about the backspace. That might be bound to the browser. This might help you: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4084715/javascript-e-keycode-doesnt-catch-backspace-del-in-ie
Thanks for checking it out!

Of course, when I went to fiddle with my project yesterday, the CORS proxy site was down altogether :confused:
When it does work, its quite fast. Also, I guess the .getJSON() method doesn’t really handle errors. I may go back and try to do it the old fashioned way with .ajax() so I can at least display a meaningful message if the either the proxy or api is down.

Hello guys came to bother you again, i want you all to review my Random Quote Machine. You can say it is a beta version(i always wanted to say that…:D). Looking for feedback from you guys what can kind of tweaks i should make to my design to improve it further-Thanks
[http://codepen.io/Kunal05/full/jrqNLj/] http://codepen.io/Kunal05/full/jrqNLj/

Please try it out in chrome if possible the checkbox looks deprived of css in mozilla for some weird reason

Project Link - [https://codepen.io/queennectarine/full/zBrewB/] (https://codepen.io/queennectarine/full/zBrewB/)

I feel like I’m having some trouble getting the quote to fade in and out in time with loading the new quote, but any feedback is appreciated!

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Yeah, I have the same thing happening with mine. It kinda bothered me but I noticed the demo had the same problem too so I just left it alone. Wonder if there’s an easy fix to make the loading wait for the transition to end?

Project Link - http://codepen.io/gogu87/full/wKKVGd/

Keeping it simple :smile:

Everybody’s Quote Generators look fantastic. If anybody has some constructive criticism for mine I would really appreciate it :smiley:

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got v1 done but needs some major tweaks.

Project Link - http://codepen.io/cb49581/full/rLxGGL

Project link: http://codepen.io/janschreiber/full/pjRmEN

@charlieb410 Oops, sorry, I accidently deleted this comment so I try it again:

Love the fact that you keep the buttons nice in place.

Thank you so much. I appreciate the feedback!