Let's discuss your "Scatterplot Graph Visualization"

Greetings, Fellow Campers!

This topic is for listing and review of Scatterplot Graph Visualization projects built as a part of FCC challenges. Please stick to these basic rules to keep the topic clean:-

  • Post your Codepen (or other) link to your project as a general reply to this topic.
  • For Codepen links use the following format to avoid embedding the pen:-
Project Link - [http://codepen.io/santakmishra/full/pgqOYq/](http://codepen.io/santakmishra/full/pgqOYq/)
  • Post reviews as a specific reply to the link which you are reviewing.

Project Link - http://codepen.io/mtroiani/full/ZQgxRP/

Project Link - http://codepen.io/d33con/full/grKLby/

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Project Link - https://codepen.io/chrismarro/full/jrOXXk/

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Dear FCC camper,
Here is my Scatterplot Graph by d3js.
Poject Link => http://www.aungmyokyaw.com/FCC-D3/ScatterplotGraph/
Source Code => https://github.com/AungMyoKyaw/FCC-D3

Project link: http://codepen.io/neotriz/full/xEPwrx/

Any criticism is welcomed!

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Project Link ā”€ FreeCodeCamp : Visualise Data with a Scatterplot Graph

Built with D3.js v4 & React.js. Feedback is always appreciated. :wink:

Project Link --> https://codepen.io/BrusBilis/full/zKRWyL

Project Link - http://codepen.io/Josh5231/full/vXqYPr/

Project Link - https://codepen.io/cjsheets/full/XjvJWK/

Iā€™m considering adjusting both of my D3 projects to display a placeholder if the screen-size is too small and maybe automatically re-generate the chart on window resize. I imagine solutions for responsive charting exist.

Thereā€™s also an issue with the example chart when the window size is narrow enough for the hidden div to overlay chart components. Perhaps either a different method of hiding or adding ā€˜pointer-events: none;ā€™ to the CSS would fix it.

Project link - http://codepen.io/ubershibs/pen/MbaEKR

Hi, everyone!

I have put together a rudimentary scatter plot and would like to submit it to FCC and move on. But before I do so, any feedback from fellow campers is appreciated.

The CodePen is here

Thanks and happy coding!

Project Link


I see that you are using d3 v4 not v3. I am also using v4 and have found one thing that I just can not get working. I can not get the mouseover to add a border to the circle. Every time that I try, the entire circle goes black, even if I try to set the border to some other color (like purple). I ended up just changing the color of the circle, which is what you are also doing. I was wondering if that was because you also had the same problem, or if you just liked the idea of changing the color. I would really like to be able to add a border if anyone reads this and can get it to work in v4.

Your page seems to work well and does what it is supposed to do. Iā€™m not a fan of the white on gray when hovering over a name, however. Not enough contrast. I also find the tooltip moving with the mouse to be a bit distracting.

I am using d3 v4 not v3. I have found one thing that I just can not get working. I can not get the mouseover to add a border to the circle. Every time that I try, the entire circle goes black, even if I try to set the border to some other color (like purple). I ended up just changing the color of the circle, which works just fine. I would really like to be able to add a border if anyone reads this and can get it to work in v4.

My project is on GitHub at:

Thanks for any help, or comments.

Thanks for the feedback. As for the problem you mentioned, check my chart out again - Iā€™ve added an outline to the circle when you mouseover, by giving the class (.mouseover) a stroke (black) and a stroke-width (2) property. The same should work for you, Iā€™d think.

Thanks. Itā€™s working now. I had tried changing classes to start with, but it had not worked. Iā€™m pretty sure that my problem was that it is not a good idea to mix up jQuery objects and D3 objects and their respective CSS. Using ā€œbackground-colorā€ and ā€œborderā€ instead of ā€œfillā€, ā€œstrokeā€ and ā€œstroke-weightā€ on a D3 object just does not work well.

Yeah, I encountered a bit of that as well. I never really bothered with any of the svg or canvas stuff before getting into D3, so Iā€™m just getting familiar with the different vocabulary they use. Itā€™s finally starting to make a bit of sense to me, but it has been fairly tough to wrap my head around.


Btw, I found that in order to have an accurate y-scale, you can set the domain to:

y.domain([d3.max(data, (d) => d.Place), 1]);

d3 will leave off the top tick from your scale, but you can add it in manually like this:

const yTicks = y.ticks();

then just add it to your axis with the tickValues() method:


Scatterplot Graph => is here