Let's discuss your "Twitch.tv App"

Don’t you think it would be better to have the streaming ones on top?

Project Link - http://codepen.io/Lzrs/full/YWwMZw/

Here’s mine. I’ve spent a lot of time on this and I’m happy with the outcome. There’s still some stuff I’d like to add and polish but I’ve spent way too much time just on this without even touching the other challenges so I’d like to move on for now. It was very useful and I think my knowledge doubled just from this project lol. Some of the code gets kinda messy since I experimented a lot and added stuff as I went. Hope you like it =)


Here is mine:

I spent some time figuring out how to show the search result as soon as users type in. It was quite fun!. Suggestions are welcomed!

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Project link - https://codepen.io/perlhax27/full/ezzxpx/

Did anyone have trouble getting logos of offline users? The data are null when they’re offline, unless I’m missing something.

You have to query the channels to find those logos.

Project link: http://s.codepen.io/jarhoads/debug/oxXWJG

It’s a pretty simple design. I might add more too it later but for now it works.

Project link: http://codepen.io/JohnLaloli/full/YWpRga/

Oh man, I really suck at design haha, everyone elses looks really slick. I did manage to add embedded videos into it though, which someone might find useful.

Project Link - http://codepen.io/pkh1162/full/PzbWze/

N.B- it doesn’t work on edge for some reason. Firefox and Chrome work fine though.

Here is it :slight_smile:

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Project Link - http://codepen.io/GKlein/full/yJgxdM/

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Project Link - http://codepen.io/akholod/full/GqWwPM/

Project Link - https://s.codepen.io/mikeale03/debug/JKRaZw

Here is my project link. http://codepen.io/subodhu/full/jAmdKr/ Please give suggestions and feedback.

Project Link - http://codepen.io/squaremarco/full/BzREjA/

I’m still learning angular (1.5.x) so I lack the knowledge to implement a filter by status anda button to add a new stream to the list.
If anyone can give suggestions and feedback about my angular approach I’d be really glad.

EDIT: I’ve added filtering. I might add various sorting methods in the future.
EDIT: I’ve added a button to add a new channel to the list.

Project Link - https://clever-sparrow.hyperdev.space/
Project Files - https://hyperdev.com/#!/project/clever-sparrow

Re-writing my Twitch app - trying to make it look and feel like the YouTube player and playlist, but for Twitch streams


Project Link - [http://codepen.io/seyi-adeleke/full/vKkLqj/] (http://codepen.io/seyi-adeleke/full/vKkLqj/)

Not my best design wise, but I put in some parallax and neat animations: Plus it’s responsive and uses flex-box neatly. Also I’ve put in the foundation for it be easy enough to add new channels without messing with the layout or code. I plan on adding the feature to search and add later. I get my front-end certification witht this one. Long journey :smile:

Link- https://codepen.io/imtoobose/full/RRgWra/


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Project link- http://codepen.io/youngjeong46/full/AXoXba/

As usual, I’m onto functionality… and probably not design creativity…

Project Link - http://codepen.io/bigmozes/full/ZOyRPJ/

That yellow blue combo is so painful to the eyes I just couldn’t stay long enough to even see what your page does. What good is functionality if the design will turn viewers away?

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