LinkedIn Premium account...worth it?

Does anyone has Linked Premium account? If so, is it worth? Has anything changed since you’ve upgraded your account?

Yes, if you are looking for a job actively, it is definitely worth it. For one thing, you get a few InMail’s per month which you can use to contact hiring manager’s directly.


I have it,
Linkedin Premium Account is useful to give you an idea about the jobs where you are more likely to be a top applicant, based on the skills you put in your linkedin profile.

As for the Inmail mentioned above, I am not sure of their usefulness and result.

Besides, you have access to private groups that are interesting to take a look at for advice on how to get a job and how/ share your story.
You have access to learning material as well.

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I just switched to a month long LinkedIn premium free trial earlier this week - imo being able to send inmail is really valuable. I was able to reach out personally to a job poster and already received a phone interview. It feels less like you’re just throwing resumes/ cover letters into a void when you can have a direct personal connection!

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My friend didn’t have any luck through LinkedIn, but she was not seeking a IT job. Hopefully the tech-sector works better through LinkedIn?
Good luck!!!